Uma palestra muito interessante do neurocientista António Damásio, em que ele cristalinamente (não obstante a laringite) fala sobre a mente, a consciência, o Self; o que o ser humano partilha ou não com os outros animais. É um desafio muito interessante que nos lança! Por exemplo, se António Damásio levar o leitor (neste caso, o ouvinte) a pensar que o cão que se tem em casa se distingue essencialmente do seu dono porque não antecipa o futuro, como reage o leitor (ou o ouvinte)? Fala sobre a dinâmica do funcionamento cerebral e sobre a relação do Funcionamento Cerebral com a Cultura e a Educação. Grande responsabilidade deixa ele nas mãos de quem decide sobre os sistemas e os valores da Educação dos Povos!
A propósito de uma das suas apresentações de O Livro da Consciência.
Antonio Damasio is David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Neurology, and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California. He is author several books including Descartes’ Error and, most recently, Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain. Below, he takes our In The Green Room Q&A.
Q. What surprises you the most about your life right now?
A. Can I answer with a joke? I have this laryngitis and I’m still speaking.
Q. What is the last habit you tried to kick?
A. Not doing enough exercise.
Q. Who was your childhood hero?
A. Tin Tin.
Q. What do you consider to be the greatest simple pleasure?
A. Enjoying good weather by the seaside next to a forest of pines.
Q. Where would we find you at 10 a.m. Saturday morning?
A. Probably at home writing or reading.
Q. What do you wish you had the nerve to do?
A. Be an airplane pilot.
Q. Who is your favorite fictional character?
A. As a dramatic character, Gatsby. As a comedic character, Alvy Singer in “Annie Hall.”
Q. What is your most prized material possession?
A. Certain pieces of art.
Q. Who is the one person living or dead you would most like to meet for dinner?
A. Perhaps Goethe.
*Photo by Aaron Salcido.
DECEMBER 10, 2010
Go On Till You Come to the End; Then Stop
Go On Till You Come to the End; Then Stop
ScienceBlogs is coming to an end. I don't know that there was ever a really
official announcement of this, but t...
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